Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2009 arrow April 2009

Top Age 13 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation April 2009

1Naroditsky, Daniel A (12892910)13CAUSA2341
2Young, Gregory (12888228)13CAUSA2249
3Moon, Ryan Joseph (12910644)13GAUSA2146
4Perez, Robert M (12913092)13FLUSA2143
5Inigo, Aquino (13840840)13*FOR*USA2120
6Goss, Mel H (12911293)13FLUSA2107
7Wang, Andrew C (12846588)13MAUSA2105
8Van Beuzekom, Lucas (12888503)13FLUSA2086
9Zhu, Joshua (12883666)13AZUSA2076
10Ostrovskiy, Aleksandr A (12881112)13NYUSA2069
11Altschuler, Jason (12872879)13TXUSA2057
12Rozovsky, Daniel (12848561)13CTUSA2055
13Wang, Andy C (12951282)13FLUSA2042
14Chiang, Michael (12852051)13NYUSA2031
Rozman, Levy (12879834)13NJUSA2031
16Varadaraj, Srikar (13513537)13OHUSA2025
17Chakraborty, Dipro (12935003)13AZUSA2020
18Taylor, Paul R (12873381)13GAUSA2014
19Powell, Grant (13035476)13TXUSA2013
20Bu, Kevin (12913951)13MNUSA2006
21Matlin, Anna R (12876169)13NJUSA1991
22Hughes, Austin (12925869)13CAUSA1983
23Bowersock, Michael (13416153)13MIUSA1963
24Mo, Kevin (12928398)13PAUSA1958
25Silberman, Sam Elliot (12863696)13FLUSA1943
26Veech, John (13666104)13WIUSA1942
27Ginsberg, Jordan (13244605)13FLUSA1935
28Qi, Eric (13409554)13AZUSA1915
29Lung, James (12910964)13MAUSA1914
30Yeh, Andrew (12909804)13CAUSA1900
31Ballantyne, Rochelle (13104890)13NYUSA1893
32Shiva, Vikas (13197575)13MAUSA1879
33Mu, Joshua (12820785)13NCUSA1878
Balakrishnan, Naveen Kishore (13479723)13TXUSA1878
35Ho, Alec S (12826656)13WAUSA1877
36Liang, Justin (12933609)13TXUSA1873
37Chen, Avery P (12816282)13CTUSA1868
Bekker, Samuel (13054648)13CAUSA1868
39Wu, Christopher Y (12821410)13CAUSA1857
40Fauman, Jacob N (12911474)13MAUSA1855
Chang, Derek (12926166)13TXUSA1855
42Yue, Bryan (12911731)13WAUSA1853
43Xu, Yuhao (13032791)13PAUSA1840
44Zhang, Isaac (12837115)13CAUSA1839
45Fenger, Peter J (12922418)13AZUSA1836
46Liu, Kun (12868395)13VAUSA1825
47Kogen, Jonathan S (12810919)13ILUSA1816
48Gadson, Isaiah (12929115)13MOUSA1814
49Zhou, Kevin L (12890043)13VAUSA1812
50Shao, James (12874320)13NYUSA1811
51Xiao, Ted (12901869)13CAUSA1807
52Chinchwadkar, Ojas G (12854991)13CAUSA1802
53Vasquez, Simon (12857760)13TXUSA1795
54Spitzer, Jacob A (12821038)13NYUSA1794
55Yang, Richard (13184248)13CAUSA1790
56Quinones, Ezequiel (13584867)13NYUSA1789
57Wood, Jordan Britt (13109503)13NCUSA1788
58Zimmerman, Samuel L (12859363)13GAUSA1786
Sachs, Derek D (12923946)13WIUSA1786
60Lin, Kenny L (12988656)13OKUSA1779
61Ding, Darwin (13034164)13MAUSA1775
62Larson, Anders (12828481)13NYUSA1773
63Chen, Andrew (12929228)13CAUSA1771
64Desirazu, Rahul (12882129)13CAUSA1762
65Su, Dion (12958332)13TXUSA1752
66Zhu, Roland (12897650)13CAUSA1748
67Zhou, Jimmy D (12899289)13NYUSA1746
68Luo, Chengliang (12921328)13ILUSA1745
69Jiang, Tian-Shun Allan (13056274)13NCUSA1743
70Wu, Katherine (12931342)13VAUSA1741
71Mau, Stephen Li Jian (13477863)13HIUSA1740
72Dai, Eileen (12888810)13TXUSA1734
73Hao, Steven (12846423)13CAUSA1731
74Garbe, Kevin (12884580)13CAUSA1729
Priore, Daniel (13150664)13PAUSA1729
76Roberts, Christopher D (12896030)13GAUSA1727
77Nair, Ashvin (13196812)13MAUSA1722
78Li, Andrew C (12884589)13CAUSA1720
79Maciag, Daniel (12931917)13NYUSA1703
80Mostafa, Ahmed Ayman (13521611)13GAUSA1702
81Karapetyan, David (12913256)13CAUSA1701
82Ulrich, Tommy (13263983)13ILUSA1693
83Hidalgo, Jonathan (13597796)13NYUSA1690
84Kumar, Aditya (12858397)13CAUSA1689
Christianson, Ryan B (12910437)13GAUSA1689
86Cruz, Jonathan (13250065)13NYUSA1688
87Aipa, Likeke (13435278)13HIUSA1685
88Kitapszyan, Boris (12821146)13CAUSA1683
Tootle, Timothy Ryan (12917182)13INUSA1683
90Livschitz, Jennifer (12808863)13CAUSA1676
91Cardenas, Steven (13017437)13NYUSA1675
92Owen, Matthew K (12840637)13CTUSA1674
93Korobov, David (12900071)13ILUSA1673
94Du, Alan Y (12917227)13OHUSA1661
95Xu, Eric (13458334)13CAUSA1660
Dell'Orto, Dario Alfred (13490203)13NYUSA1660
97Gupta, Kartik (12879017)13VAUSA1654
98Donze, Jonah L (12880215)13KYUSA1653
Hung, Anthony (13051544)13CAUSA1653
100Kaonohi, Tristan K (12861094)13HIUSA1652
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
